My " Learn the Hard way " Experience 

we as people like to get things done. And we like to get things done in the most efficient, effective, lazy, quick method there is available to us. 

When we start to get into a rush we end up rushing into awkward situations. For example my recent attempt at live streaming

There I was...   late in the dark of night in a rush, attempting to get one last project done in the described way above. Unawares as I purchased a service for the live streaming, I optimistically spent $300 dollars on a service buying it for a year (in a rush because of the amazing 40% off sale!!! Can't beat that right? ). Then less then an hour later, I am frantically attempting to contact customer service ( which apparently there is no actual customer support for costumers spending under $300 a month) because there were many issues they had hidden in their contract and their services I was interested in, turned out to be only available for their 300 dollar a MONTH package.  Tears viciously being shed away realizing my entire  Superbowl snack fund had been blown on something that wouldn't do what I thought it'd do, contacted their billing support to see if I couldn't get a refund.

( for the record, I'm still waiting for a reply and if their answer is no for the refund I am going to give into my human desire for revenge and post the name of the service on this blog so future people do not fall into the same trap)

The moral of this story is *Drum roll please with pause for dramatic effect* RESEARCH and PRUDENCE.
Later the next day I went online and Google problems with the service. Unfortunately,  to late I realized I'd fallen into the same trap many chaps like me had. 30 second latency issues and problems with the embedding service with misleading advertising. 

If I had taken 15 minuets required to search for problems on google, I would have saved the five + continuing hours I've delicately spent trying to get my hard earned money back. 

This situation will happen to you eventually, as it seems to be a reoccurring problem in my everyday life. I urge you, take the extra fifteen minuets to save yourself Time, Money, and Frustration.   

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